Scaling Up Scoreboard

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The official software for implementing Scaling Up

Here is why:

  • It saves you time,

  • keeps the company focused,

  • assists in transparency.

  • helps you achieve big goals. Faster!

Developing a plan and meeting goals take discipline. Trying to manage strategic plan execution in disparate systems, paper, email, or spreadsheets can be daunting. Software helps to take some of that lift off of your team.

Scaling Up Scoreboard gives you custom tools specifically designed to help you adopt the Scaling Up and Rockefeller Habits methodology quicker than doing it on your own.

Planning, execution, and communication activities are stored in a centralized tool. Responsibilities and accountability are shared across the full team. Dashboards keep you on track with real-time progress updates.

More important work done. Less time spent.

Scaling Up Scoreboard helps everyone stay focused on the right work and measure the metrics that matter most – all in an average of 6 minutes per day.

Priority dashboards, daily huddles, and critical numbers provide a shared view into the company’s vision – so everyone knows the plan and how to achieve the desired results.

Each day your team members update their daily huddles in the software and review their progress on individual and company priorities and update their KPIs.

These few minutes of reflection and focus keep priority work front and center day in and day out.

Key Features

One Page Strategic Plan (OPSP)

Create and manage your One Page Strategic Plan and share the company mission, vision, and performance goals with everyone on the team.

House your entire strategy in one place and make it a living document that you carry forward from quarter to quarter. As you meet your goals and your company grows, you can easily adjust your strategy to meet your capacity.

  • The Foundation of your plan: BHAG Core Values, Core Purpose and Brand Promises and KPIs.
  • 3-5 year targets and capabilities.
  • Annual plan that includes your key initiatives, actions, and SWOT.
  • Quarterly targets, critical numbers, KPIs, company priorities and individual priorities.

Create a dashboard with
Critical Numbers

Define Critical Numbers or key indicators, that move your business forward and share them with your entire team. Simple visuals give you quick insights into where the company stands. Since everyone logs in every day, you know the entire team is monitoring them daily as close as you are personally.

Manage communication rhythms with Daily and Weekly Huddles.

Manage your huddles in the cloud.  Bring structure and records to your daily check-ins and keep lines of communication open with everyone on the team – even those in the field or working remotely.

Priority ownership and tracking: ensure individuals contribute to the success of the company

Cascade priorities from the top down so everyone can see how their progress moves the needle for their personal priorities as well as the company priorities, and you can identify your top performers. Now AI Enabled!

AI Accountability Coach: Create SMART Priorities and Action Oriented KPIs

Staying ahead means leveraging the most innovative tools at your disposal. Align introduces an exciting leap forward in strategic planning and execution: the AI Accountability Coach. This cutting-edge tool is your strategic ally, designed to revolutionize the way you set and achieve your business priorities and KPIs.

Reporting: use data to evaluate what works

Build new data points to guide the direction of your company. Scaling Up Scoreboard gives you unique data sets to analyze how you and your team are performing against goals.